Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Valentine's Day!

Long time, no blog! Sorry for the radio silence but I've been having some technical difficulties with you know, technology. Not enough storage and a computer running on outdated systems. I think I've figured out how to sync photos though so hopefully this works! Let's go back in time to February...

I spent the Saturday before Valentine's day visiting a friend in Goffstown at one of our favorite coffee shops, Apotheca. They do such a stunning job decorating for holidays and we had to stop by. It was a beautiful sunny day so we stopped in for coffees and to check out their amazing floral creations, and then spent the afternoon walking outside with her cute dog, Copper. 

I loved their little individual igloos! You could enjoy your coffee inside while still feeling like you were outside. They even had individual electric stoves for colder days. 

It took a lot of self restraint to avoid buying every single heart planter...

For Valentine's Day/Super Bowl Sunday we had a chili takeout day at church. Have to protect the valuable cargo! 

Even though Matt had a meeting on Valentine's Day he still got me pretty flowers! 

And we celebrated with a belated sunny day trip (on Presidents' Day) to the ocean.

Later that week we enjoyed a fun night out in Portsmouth! Charlie Berens (of Manitowoc Minute fame) was somehow in NH?! So I convinced Matt to come with me. He was absolutely brilliant in person, even Matt loved him! 

And of course, the month ended with another snowstorm. Love this town and all its little quirks! 

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